Utilizing A PhD Thesis Database Effectively: Useful Advice

Writing a thesis can be a challenging task if you are in your doctorate degree. The good part is that when you are in doctorate level, you are already familiar with thesis, dissertations and research papers. This kind of assignment is not new for you because you completed it in your graduation degree and master’s level. Some students also write such projects in undergraduate level if the institute requires so. You will be already familiar with the format, style, purpose, tone and research methods because you have been through it already. You defended your paper in the graduation and master’s level and already have a good understanding of the subject. You may feel confident about everything else in your assignment but the database search. This is going to be a new thing for you because you do not have an experience searching PhD database.

First thing you need to keep in your mind is not to panic. You need to assure yourself that you can do this because you have been doing similar tasks in the past. Once you have enough confidence in your skills, then it will be comparatively easier for you to stay calm and focus on your work. Below are some guidelines for students in their PhD degree to use the database effectively

Determine the type of publication you need

Use a filter like format or style

Determine the file extension you want to receive the paper in

View a print copy before you download an electronic paper

Purchase a copy if necessary

If you need to buy a certain paper to have, full access then you should go ahead and purchase it

Search other universities and their database

If you do not find required results in your university database then you should consider searching other universities.

Ask your professor to guide you

Consider taking an opinion from your professor because he or she will approve or reject your paper at the end of the day

Get help or instructions from a senior

Your instructor will be able to guide you better because they assist you with your project. You can ask them about a reliable source or the way you can use the database to find your required paper. Your seniors in the university may also be able to guide you with your paper and database because they have been here already

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