Tackling the PhD Thesis: Tips And Tools For Success

Every doctoral student feels that panic set in when hearing about a fast approaching thesis assignment. It is one of the most boring, depressive and LONG periods of a person’s life and it can either make the person or break them. Those people who are about to write up their thesis will probably be shaking by now because of the daunting task ahead.

But by going systematically and accompanied by a hard-line attitude, PhD students can easily complete and submit a good thesis.

Here are a few guidelines for a successful thesis.

  1. Breaking it down
  2. A thesis is an impressive research paper where the student is the owner, so it should be well crafted, high quality, original and should have minimum mistakes. For meeting these targets, students should break each stage of research into a couple of small intermediate stages and set the goal for each. That will create a direction in the mind, and after finishing one small goal; confidence will be increased for the next. Fixing smaller targets will be more achievable and easier to follow than one huge chunk. Same should be done when creating drafts.

  3. Writing on a familiar topic
  4. Students should write their thesis on topics they are well aware of. It will be easier for them and the thesis will turn out to be more coherent and of high quality. Writing a thesis is pretty excruciating, which will become worse if the student writes on something that is completely new to him or her. So the best thing is following one’s interest and expertise.

  5. Keeping a daily record
  6. The most difficult thing about writing a thesis is, meeting the deadline and completing it. So to tackle this, students should keep a journal for recording the amount of hours they worked that and the amount of work they did. With this, they can then calculate the precise time it will take to complete a specific chapter. This method will help them in being more productive and organized. Along with recording the progress, the minimum daily target should also be fixed.

Writing a thesis is like another essay assignment (it’s just longer and more advanced), so students should just follow the regular old advice that is there for tackling any big task. Eating healthy, exercising plenty and taking breaks will help reduce the pressure and will make the mind work better.

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